Saturday, January 12, 2013

Weight loss confession

ok - every year I say this is going to be the year. I'm actually going to do it and loose the weight. I start out STRONG! I am an exercise machine! I've got this! and then .... I'm sure you know the rest. I'm not proud of it but I just can't seem to follow through. It wouldn't be so bad if I  had 10 or even 15 pounds to loose. Yeah, guess again. There is a reason you don't see a picture of me on this blog! I have over 100 to loose - no that was not a typo. 

It didn't start out this way. I remember wearing a size 8 - maybe not small to you but I couldn't even fit my toe in a size 8 now! I can't even say I don't know what happened. I know. My mother got sick. Lou Gehrig's disease is very cruel. It is horrible for the person suffering and it is horrible for the family. You can not control it. What I could control was what I ate. Food taste good and made me feel better. I'm not proud but it is the reality. 20 years later and nothing has really change.

So this year you are my motivation. How cool to post about my weight loss success! I may or may not meet the goals I have set for myself but I look forward to posting about my journey each week.

I have started my 1st change - I have cut out  snacks during the morning and am having a healthy breakfast & lunch. I have also started cooking much more at home. Not only does this save money but the food taste so much better. The crockpot is my new best friend and I can do a mean game of Just Dance Disney on the wii.  We need a Christian Just Dance!! 

I look forward to this journey and would love to hear from you! And who knows?? I may even post a before and after picture next year!!

1 comment:

  1. You are not alone, Amy. I'm finding that exercise is an important key, so that's where I started come 2013. I'll look forward to progressing alongside you.

    A number of us are meeting weekly, blogging, and helping each other along, one habit change at a time. Check this out and maybe you'd like to join us:
